Audit Office for the Institutions in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina wants to achieve a general public confidence in the legal, responsible, efficient and effective use of resources and delegate responsibility to the governments, its institutions and public officials.


To conduct an audit of all public organizations and programs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with internationally recognized auditing standards and best practices in the EU. Audits will be conducted timely and regularly, in order to make the responsible ones “correctly” report on cost-effectiveness of resource use and the results achieved. The Audit Office for the Institutions in FBiH also needs to determine whether the consumption of public resources and the fulfilment of the mandate are being conducted in accordance with the law and in accordance with the established accounting principles, as well as the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.


Continuous channelling of development of the Audit Office for Institutions in FBiH, in accordance with internationally recognized standards and best practices in the European Union. Shared values, approaches and priorities in this process will create the best pre-requisites for the Audit Office to ensure and improve the accountability of public administration towards the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Audit Office will do it through analysis of the current situation and anticipated needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to the development of public administration and public expenditure management in the country. The starting point and the basis for development of the Strategic Action are Lima Declaration and the Mexican Declaration, International INTOSAI auditing standards, ISSAI Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Code of Ethics for auditors in the public sector.